Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Messy Eater

I spent 3 hours driving around time hitting up various stores trying to find a miniature ship's wheel. I did not have any success. The smallest one I could find looked to be about 2-3 feet in diameter... and it looked awfully heavy.

I was hungry the moment I left my house. I told myself I would just get food later. I got caught up in trying to find a wheel, that I wound up not getting food for quite some time. Eventually I just got super hungry, and I decided to stop at McDonald's and grab a bite. In actuality, the only reason I stopped there was because I was hoping for some Monopoly action. Unfortunately, they did not have anything with game pieces on it.

Luckily, though, they just brought back the McRib, which is my favorite McDonald's sandwich. Not only that, but they had an option to get an extra sandwich for $1. Heck yeah. Long story short, I get home and take out the first McRib. I tell myself that I do not need any protection for my clothes because the box it came in should provide ample protection.

As soon as I pick up the first McRib, a drop of BBQ sauce hits my leg. Con SARN it.
I try to wipe it off quickly, but it just absorbs into the fabric. I console myself by making myself believe it looks like an oil stain... and that is respectable.

I continue eating. I finish the first McRib and take out the second one. Sure enough, as soon as I pull it out, a drop of sauce happens to land on the bottom corner of my shirt, which happens to be draped on my lap. Con Friggen SARN it. It looks nothing like an oil stain.

Speaking of Monopoly....
I saw several versions of the game while I was out shopping. They have a "Here and Now" edition, and a "Disney/Pixar" edition. Both of which look pretty cool. I might grab one of them one day.

I am a little concerned that I cannot seem to find a copy of Stratego anywhere. I guess I shall just have to order it on the Internet one day. While I was there at the store, though, I did consider buying some random game to take to the Halloween party. I didn't, but I considered it.


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