Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Judging from most everyone's reaction to my story about Sunday night at Dragon*CON, it seems that I must just be crazy.
"No guy in his right mind would wait until he was 24 to kiss a girl."

You are absolutely right.

What part of "flibbertigibbet" did you not understand?

Apparently I am crazy. I have never persued physical relationships. I do not really have a good reason why. I guess it may have mainly been my strong religious upbringing, away from which I am currently growing some.

I have enjoyed my life. No major quarrels. No major RL issues. No "wife aggro". Things are swell. I have now tried something new. Well, I cannot really say I tried it. I was thrust into it, and I enjoyed it. Perhaps I will use this as a major stepping stone to new things. I do not know.

Yes, the story was true.
Yes, I am crazy.
Got it?


NO, cBot, I do not have Mono.
Can't a guy get a cold the same time as his first kiss and not get Mono?

The cold is slowly fading. It began Friday, Kiss was Sunday.
Cause and Effect fails there.

Ok now. I think this is probably one of the most unorganized posts ever.
Time to say goodbye to the blog for now.

Goodbye, Blog. Catch ya later.

El Flibbertigibbet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude.. I was just pointing out the time corellation between you getting sick and this exchange of bodily fluids for the first time....

2:02 PM


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