Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Friday, October 14, 2005


I just remembered something else. I was attempting to find a T-shirt online that I saw a while back. It was a PeTA T-shirt that reads "People Eating Tasty Animals". Well...apparently, since the last time I saw the shirts....many many new versions have popped up across the Internet. I checked out about seven different ones. They were not the ones I originally saw. Six of them were total crap.
The seventh one was OK. It was not all that great. However, it led me to a new site for cool T-Shirts. I tend to check out the shirts at T-Shirt Hell. However...This site was called Foul Mouth Shirts. The shirt in question read the following: "I've got nothing against God, it's his fan club I can't stand." Now...I am a Christian, and I know the hypocrisy of Christians very well. This shirt...made me laugh. I seriously considered buying it. However, I shimmied on over to Think Geek instead and wound up spending lots of time checking out more of their stuff.
I need a new job, so I can afford to buy lots of....stuff.


Blogger Matt said...

Wow...two spamvertisements in one day. If this happens again, I shall have to consider disabling anonymous comments. This makes no sense...why are these companies advertising on my blog? I am not that popular.

1:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this blog anonymous may post you advertisment.Can your imagine that to each link you wil get some adver comments? I think the previous blog is much better, well it's up to you which to use;)
Carpe diem!

10:55 AM


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