Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Family Guy Abomination

Several nights ago, Cartoon Network [Adult Swim] was playing the lost episode of Family Guy again. You know, the one called "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein". If you download it from the Internet, it is most often listed as being Season 3 Episode 22.
Anyway, I have seen the episode many many times.
Something caught my attention during this particular airing.
During Peter's song in which he states his desperate need for a Jew, there is a line at the end of the song that has been edited.
In the original, the final stanza went as such:
"Though, by many they're abhorred.
Hebrew people, I've adored.
Even though they killed my Lord,
I need a Jew."

Well, in the recently aired version, they changed that third line.
Instead of "Even though they killed my Lord",
Peter sings "I don't think they killed my Lord."

This...Is a COMPLETE abomination.
The people that have done this should be shot...
"out of a canon...
into the sun." -Futurama reference.

Is anyone else out there as outraged as I am?
I bet it was a Jewish person that edited it too. Either that or had some say-so in the matter....
Or influence the decision in some way.
You Killed JESUS. There is no denying that.
Jesus was JEWISH.
He died for everyone, so everyone is responsible.
Still...the Jews physically performed the act, yet they seem to think they are not responsible.
Just because you do not THINK it happened does not mean it didn't.


On a related note. I recently heard that Futurama might have something in common with Jesus.
It is going to be resurrected. Perhaps.
I will be a very Joyous MATT when that happens.
I hope the rumor is true.


Still no word from CTS.
I should be getting a call from them in the next couple of days. They told me they would inform me of whether or not I move on to the next part of the hiring process. They are not just going to leave me hanging.
I just want them to call and give me a "YES" or a "NO" so that I can get it off my mind.
Maybe Monday?
Here's hoping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may want to give CTS till this Friday because they had over 100 applicants.

6:41 AM


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