Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Savagely Beaten

Thursday night we were on our way out of PickleFish to head downtown in an attempt to find Melissa's ID and what-not when I was informed that I was scheduled to work Friday morning. This was because I had asked off Friday night for game night. I decided to go ahead and go home instead of going downtown.
Well...I wound up not getting to sleep until about 5:45am or so, so that was pointless

random side note...
I just saw a commercial for "Guys Gone Wild".
I now want to vomit.


Anyway, back to the post. I got to work. I was extremely tired. After work, I went to the bank to deposit my paycheck, then I went to Foosackly's. I kindof flirted with the waitresses. I even got one to smile by simply staring into her eyes. It was great.
Afterwards, I walked over to Bruno's to grab some snackage for GAME NIGHT.
Jeremy wanted a 12-pack of coke, so I got some.
I could not find any Frappuccinos. I figured I would need some caffeine to keep myself awake.
I did, however, grab two big boxes of Wheat Thins. They seemed to be a hit at the LAN, but I think that may have been because they eventually became the only food item available. Or....maybe everyone just loves Wheat Thins as much as I do.

We played Savage for a while. It was great. I suck at the game, but it was loads of fun to play. Of course, I got frustrated several times due to my poor suckage, but it was still fun.
Then, after about an hour of installing, we started playing UT2K4. THAT was a lot of fun too. I actually killed quite a few people. I killed Ezekiel at least twice. I was proud.

We called it a night around 4ish.

That was my Friday.
My Saturday sucked.
I came SO close to just quitting a few times.
I think I have senioritis again. You know, when you know you are leaving soon, you just do not feel like doing anything else?
I keep telling myself I must keep working.

New job starts soon. Not sure when, but soon.


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