Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Snacker Stackers

Heck Yeah!
The best thing since sliced summer sausage!

Oh wait...that's what they are!! I love summer sausage. Someone came up with the idea of making little pepperoni-like chunks and selling them that way. GENIUS.
I found these little things while trekking through Walmart. I found them, along with actual pepperonies. Ready to eat. I can drive down the road and chow down on pepperoni.
Life is grand.

My main reason for going to Walmart was to get a new raquetball raquet. I got one, as well as a couple of tubes of balls. You hear that C and T? I'm ready! Bring it ON! :-)


Tonight at work, this girl came through that looked familiar. I tore her ticket, and she looked at me and said, "You don't remember who I am, do you?"
I said "Of course I do!". I thought she was someone else. I started going off on this little story about how I had seen her friend a month earlier at the chili cook-off. The confused look in her eyes made me question whether or not I was accurate in my memory.
After a few moments of thinking about it, I realized I was wrong. Then, I racked my brain to think about who this girl was. Then, it hit me.
AMANDA! The hot red head from 80s night!
I have not seen her in quite a long time. I'd say maybe 2 years. At least a year and a half. In fact, I only saw her for about 4 hours that night. She was a friend of a friend. We all dressed up in clothes from the 80s. We went downtown and hung out for a while.
Back at my apartment, I had to talk her into NOT going skinny dipping. I succeeded in convincing her to keep on her swimsuit. I think that the fact that the complex manager's apartment was right next to the pool was a major factor in that decision.

Now...Amanda has lost a slight bit of her original smoking attractiveness, but she is still pretty darn hot. She is currently on a VERY short list of females I have seen naked, especially in a non-club setting.
She told me she has pictures from 80s night, and that I should call her so we can hang out some time. She asked for my number, so I wrote it down for her....meanwhile...I was trying not to make eye-contact with the guy with her....who's first question was "What is 80s night?"

That was probably the highlight of my evening.
Miranda is not happy. I think she will be leaving the theatre soon too, unless something happens to make her decide to stay. She got a job offer with the University, so I think she will probably take that.

I have added an item to my list of things to be purchased once I get my new job. HDTV. I finally saw one that actually LOOKED like it was great quality. So, I figure they are getting better. It is on the list after Air Hockey Table. That is after House, which is after Computer, which is after Car. These are not immediate purchase plans. Just a list of items I would like to eventually own.

Well...I should probably stop typing now. I dropped some food on the floor, and Gibbet did not even want to eat it. Makes me wonder if I really wanted to eat it. If it is not good enough for the ferret, it must have been pretty darn bad.


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