Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Where's My Car?

In the friggen McAlister's parking lot. That's where.

I got to drive it for about 5 or 6 minutes today.
I picked it up from the shop. I drove it to Gameroom Gallery. I have been wanting to check that place out. They have some cool Air Hockey tables. I think I might buy one when I get my new house some time after I get my new computer and my new car after I start getting my paychecks from TeVo after I start working after I finish this blog posting. after.

Anyway, that drive was about 2-3 minutes. Then, I drove from the gallery to McAlister's. This was another 2-3 minute drive. I bought something to eat and was about to head on over to the theatre. Well...I wound up walking the rest of the way to the theatre. Why?

My poor car. I think it is time to just declare it dead.

On a different note. The people over there at TeVo called me about 5 minutes after I clocked in at the theatre. Why? "Something happened" that pretty much caused them to need me before we agreed. This means I will most likely start working immediately.
I just wonder what happened.


That was my day. Then, after work, I watched UltraViolet.
Now...I love Milla Jovavich.
That is pretty much the only good quality of the film. Milla.
Nothing else really worth seeing. Just Milla.


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