Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Game Night at the Azevedo's

Friday night was the semi-final celebration of Jared's last days of being single.
A few of us had some drinks and food at a restaurant in Spanish Fort.
Well...I think they said it was Daphne, but the address says "Spanish Fort", so that is what I am using.
Anyway, the point...
Eventually...I wound up heading over to Jared's house...and we played Stratego!
I have not played that game in like...12+ years.
It brought back many memories.

I also got my first exposure to Tivo. It seems like such a great idea now that I have personally seen it in action. The only problem is... I was right about them canceling the Lifetime Membership option. The best deal you can get now is $16.95 a month.

Random gaming memory....

I used to play an MMORPG called Ragarok Online.
It was an awesome little game...especially when it was free. (I was a beta tester at first.)
I just randomly remember sitting in one of the towns, taking a break. I was chatting with my friend. While we were sitting there talking, someone walked up and asked us a question. Well, the question related to an NPC that was standing right next to me. I kindly told the guy to "Talk to the Jewel Vender".
Well....that did not work. My statement was censored by the system and not allowed to pass through. So...I tried it again. It did not work. So, the guy thought I was ignoring him. He got angry, and walked away.
I tried to tell my friend that I was unable to say "Jewel Vender"...but...this was censored too.
Now...This NPC had her name clearly displayed above her head. It stated "Jewel Vender".
We tried many variations, and, through the process of elimination, we found that it was specifically censoring us from using the letters "J", "E", and "W" in secession. I guess the Koreans did not want people saying bad things about Jews.
I thought that was interesting.

Memory over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that about TIVO! Guess I got mine just in time! Of course, you can now get the boxes from free to $150. And any time you want to throw down on some stratego, bring it. You might even win next time.

Protect your miners!

4:42 PM


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