Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Mademoiselles on My Mind

Well...It has a been an interest several hours.
I spent quite a bit of time last evening thinking about Zoryana. Her parents do not want me talking to her because they do not understand what we are saying to each other. (They do not speak English.)
Well..Eventually my thoughts turned to Elwynne. I miss her. A few times I started thinking about Christina McCrory. I have not heard from her since Katrina hit. I had a small crush on her in high school. I am not her type, so there is no chance of a date. I realized that a long time ago, so now I just enjoy getting to see her on the few occasions she visits town and comes to the theater. I hope she is OK.
Anyway, my thoughts turned back to Elwynne before long. I thought about her for the rest of the evening until I finally laid down to try to get some sleep. Just before falling asleep, a random thought of Eileen popped into my head. That just made me think of Elwynne some more. Elwynne was the greatest. Eileen was sweet and wonderful, but Elwynne was that and more.
This being said, one would expect that I would dream about Elwynne. This was not the case.
Oddly enough, I had a very vivid dream about Julie Herring. I never dated Julie. I do not even know why I thought about her. I rarely see her. I see her mother more than I see her. I did, however, have a crush on her in MIDDLE school. She is still very beautiful, but I do not know much about her any more. Anyway, the main thing I can remember about the dream...she beat me in a foot race across the park. I was embarrassed, but she did not seem to care much.
It was a weird dream, to say the least.
That reminds me. A girl came in the other night that I thought was a different Julie (from English class my first semester), but it turned out not to be her. We were supposed to take a dancing class together, but that never happened.
I do miss Elwynne, though. BTW, Elwynne and Eileen are middle names...in case you are wondering. For those of you who know the names on the short list of all the people I have dated, you may know who they are.

Perhaps later I will list in more details some of the stupidity from that dream.
I wonder if I should try to get some more sleep. I slept pretty well, but only for four hours. Still kind of sleepy. Some of the best sleep I have had in a while, though.


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