Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Officially Single

we all knew it was going to happen eventually.
I just tried to keep the hope alive.

Luckily, I went into this with the foreknowledge that long-distance relationships almost never work out, so I am not all that surprised at the outcome.

Misty and I decided to split ways.
Translation: Misty decided we should split ways.

I am pretty sure she made this decision quite a long time ago and just failed to let me know. I am thinking it was around the beginning of October, when she called to ask me to cancel my trip.
She only decided to tell me when I mentioned that I was pondering a second-attempt at a trip to see her.

On that note...
Since I am not going to take a trip to Florida...
I have 3+ days of vacation time built up that I must use by December 31 or they will disappear forever.
I must now find something else on which to spend that time.
I don't know... perhaps just some random trip somewhere.
I'll figure something out.


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