Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Friday the 13th

B.E.S.T. was great. I had a fun time.
I was a rather worn out by the end of the day, but it was worth it.
It was a great day.

Oddly enough, though... something odd happened on the following morning.
I expected to sleep in pretty late Sunday morning. I was very tired.
I woke up at 6:45 and could not get back to sleep.

I do not know why I could not get to sleep. I was tired. When I opened my eyes, I felt more tired and just wanted to lie down. When I closed my eyes, I felt fine, and my body would just not get back to sleep.

So.... I eventually decided to just sit up and turn on the TV. I flipped to the history channel. After watching for a while, I learned a new fact.
A show came on talking about some of the world's not-so-secret secret societies.
The fact I found most interesting was that the reason many people started considering Friday the 13th to be so unlucky was because on Friday, October 13, 1307... the King of France ordered his knights to seek out and destroy all members of the Knights Templar. I thought that was highly interesting.

Of course, I decided to do some quick research on this, and found other sources suggesting that this could actually be the reason.. so I am prepared to believe it.
Apparently, the King did not like the idea of the Knights having so much power and money.
BTW.... they had a LOT of money.
I also found out that... in order to become a member of the society, you had to surrender all your money and land to the Knights.
Lots and Lots of Europe's wealthiest nobles decided to join.
The Knights were loaded.

Anyway, that is what I learned on my Sunday morning.
I thought it was pretty interesting.


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