Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Shameful Bostonites

Occasionally I like to post my opinions about things.
Sometimes, I want to, but can't.

Luckily, this is not one of those "some" times.

Ok... Boston. I am ashamed of you guys.

[Adult Swim] posts a bunch of small projectors through your town and you freak out. You blow them up. You did not take any effort to figure out the actual problem. You jumped to conclusions for no apparent reason. You disrupted the lives of hundreds of thousands of people just because you were too hasty to do some friggen RESEARCH.
Now... you are BLAMING [Adult Swim] for all the money you wasted on your own idiotic efforts? This is horrid.

You know, they put these projectors in lots of other cities, and none of those people were stupid enough to confuse a PROJECTOR for a BOMB.

It seems to me like Boston needs to reevaluate its effective responsiveness to emergencies. These projectors were in place for 2 weeks. If you HONESTLY thought they were bombs, why did you not complain about it 2 weeks ago? Hmm?

Tisk tisk. You make total fools of yourselves, waste millions of dollars, and are trying to point the finger of blame back at someone else.

You should admit when you make a mistake. Take responsibility for your own actions.
.....Friggen finger pointers.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Annual Arithmetic

Two-thousand, seven minus one-thousand, nine-hundred eighty-two equals twenty-five.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Minute Differences

I went to a Mass this morning.
I am not Catholic, but I have been pondering converting.

I did not know what I was going to write in my post today,
but after watching an episode of Moral Orel on Adult Swim,
I have the perfect subject. Oddly enough, it has something to
do with my day.

I started out the morning by searching on masstimes.org to find churches in my area.
I knew of one on Cody, but I did not know the times they had Mass. When I checked, they had one starting at 11am.
This seemed perfect. It was about 9:30 and I had plenty of time to jump in the shower, get dressed, and head over.

I got to the church at about a quarter 'till 11. I noticed everyone walking into the back building and not the front building. I thought this was odd, but after looking at both buildings, it appeared that the back one WAS the sanctuary. I went in.. and I was a little confused.

I had intended on finding a seat in the back on the far right. This was, of course, while picturing in my head a cathedral-style sanctuary. This sanctuary was not laid out as I expected. It was a big semi-circle. There was no convenient way for me to find a slightly-secluded seat.

When I walked in, there only looked to be about 30 people there. I chalked this up to it being a relative new church. However, from about 5-to-11 and 11.... the sanctuary quickly packed itself with people. Despite me having picked a lone spot on the left part of the semi-circle, I now found myself surrounded with people.

I felt like I was sticking out like a sore thumb. I was differently-dressed than pretty much everyone there, and I was not doing the same little maneuvers as everyone else.

At first, the family sitting next to me was dressed "strangely" as well, as what I thought. They seemed to be wearing what I would expect to see if I were to go to one of my own denomination's churches out in the country somewhere. Near the middle of the Mass, but before communion... this family left. Apparently there was a family standing in the back looking for a seat, because the spots were immediately taken.

I tried to follow along with everyone else. When everyone stood, I stood. When everyone sat, I sat. The first time every knelt, I did not. From then on, I did. I think I was also the only person in my little area (that I noticed... other than the little kids) that was actually reading the song books (or as I call them, "Hymnals"). Everyone else already knew the words. I think this fact also made me stand out some.

Now... the inspiration for my post:
The Lord's Prayer...
I saw everyone stand. I stood.
Everyone began reciting The Lord's Prayer. I noticed that the people in front of me were holding hands. At first I just figured they were a couple. Then I looked around some more and noticed that everyone was holding hands. Noticing this, I looked to my right. The girl next to me was motioning for me to take her hand. I hesitated for a moment, but I then took her hand and continued reciting the prayer.
That is when it happened....
I was reciting the prayer from my own memory, while still trying to follow along with everyone else. Here is how the middle part of the prayer went for me...

"Give us this day, our daily bread.
And forgive us our deb....passes, as we forgive those that trespass against us."

Yeah.... In case you are wondering what the heck that is...
It was supposed to be "forgive us our debts, ...."
but these people said "trespasses".
At first I was thinking that I had perhaps just forgotten the order,
but then the "debtors" line never showed up.
Then I was wondering if maybe I had just remembered it incorrectly.

I forgot about this.
That is, until Morel Orel came on.
Morel's new neighbors came over. They had dinner together.
When they were saying grace, they were reciting the Lord's Prayer.
Then they paused in the middle and repeated a line.
At first I could not tell what the deal was...
but then I realized...
One family was saying "debts", while the other was saying "trespasses".
A feud started.

This reminded me of my morning.
I thought it was hilarious, and very coincidently timed.

And that was the point of my long story.
However, I do have a couple more things to share.

At one point during the Mass, I was thinking about Dane Cook. He mentioned when "peace" was coming, you could always tell, because the priest would say "peace 5 times in rapid fire"...
I heard the priest say "peace" several times.

Then everyone started turning to each other and shaking hands. I was slightly familiar with this concept. At every church I have attended, they had a few minutes when everyone would just greet each other.
However, this was another one of those embarrassing moments for me because I was apparently not familiar with what I was supposed to be doing during this time frame during Mass. This became highly apparent to me between the end of my first handshake and the middle of my second one. The girl next to me turned to me with her hand outstretched toward me.
What she said:
"Peace be with you."
What I said:
How she looked:

Second person shook my hand and said "Peace be with you."
I was still contemplating the previous handshake, and, for some reason, the words I uttered here were, "be with you".
So yeah, I totally screwed up the "Peace" part of the Mass for myself.

At the end of the Mass, a woman began to speak to the Parish about this great 'growing' school in Tillman's Corner. "St. Vincent de Paul".
All I kept thinking during her entire spiel was "BEST".

There are many more details I could share about the Mass, but I will save those for another time.

After the Mass, I just kind of waited around for a bit. I wanted to talk to the Priest, but he was busy greeting people at the door. I sat in a pew and just waited around for a bit. Then I decided to stand up and walk around. As I was looking at one of the little shrines, a man approached me.

He asked if it was my first time there. For some reason, I figured he was probably one of the leaders of the Church and that it was probably his job to greet me. I was wrong.
He, was a Lutheran. He married a Catholic woman. He attends the church but is still fairly new to it. He said he noticed that I stood out a bit, so he figured I must be new.

Now, in retrospect, I cannot tell with total certainty how he figured it out. Perhaps he was sitting near enough to me to see all my quirks... or perhaps he saw me raise my hand when the priest asked if they had any first time visitors to the Parish. Either way, he seemed like a pretty cool guy. I talked with him for probably about 10 minutes, actually. I never did meet his wife Nicole. She was chatting with another woman about 5 feet away.

I was nervous about going to talk to the priest. However, I was not as nervous as I originally anticipated, because I caught a vibe from him during the Mass. He seemed to be quite down-to-Earth. Now, it is still a little early to tell if that is entirely true, but that was the first and second impression I got from him.

We chatted for a bit. I took one of their bulletins. I read through some of it....
and I made plans to return next week.

Did I mention that the sermon was inspired by James Brown?

---few minutes later---

Yes, Doug, she was hot.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Invisibility - Is it so great?

Remember all the old movies where someone became invisible?
Then they would just walk around and do stuff to people?
You could play tricks on your friends...
you could play dirty tricks on your ennemies...
you could hang out in the opposite sex's locker/dressing room.

Or could you?

A long time ago, a friend of mine mentioned something to me,
and yesterday that thought came back to me.

He asked me a question.
"If you were invisible, could you see?"

My first response was "yeah, why not"..... then I thought about it for about 10 seconds.
"Wait... wait.... umm... no?"

How COULD you see if you were invisible?
If light passes right through you, then it passes through your retinas without being processed.

Seems to me that being invisible might actually suck.

Not only would you have to avoid people, but you would be blind...
and they could not see you were blind.
So, that is just an accident waiting to happen.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Universal Questions

How big is the universe? Is it a finite size? Or is it infinite?

Many scientists would have us believe that, billions of years ago, there was a massive explosion that formed the universe. Apparently the universe started as small, super-condensed ball of mass.
It exploded and eventually formed what we know of today as the universe.

Is this true? Who knows?
What I typically ask is "from where did that little ball of mass come?"
Guess I have to just accept this idea on Faith, eh?

Oh yeah, and evolution...
Apparently, billions of years ago... somehow, in some magical way, some of this lifeless mass miraculously came to life. Not sure how or why, but I am supposed to also accept this on Faith.
Anyway, this new life was bacteria, and, over the course of billions of years, that initial bacteria evolved into the humans we are today. It just constantly adapted to the environment, and changed as was needed.
Ok, I'll bite...
But my question is... "Why do bacteria still exist?"
If it evolved into a more complex creature in order to survive.... why does the non-complex version still exist?
Why do fish still exist?
Why do frogs still exist?
Why do monkeys still exist?
Hmmm.... I suppose I shall just have to accept this theory on Faith as well.

Oh, apparently the Earth is like... 4.6 billion years old,
but.. you are telling me that it is young? There are older things in the universe? Really?
The sun is in its 3rd generation? Some of its buddies have already grown too old and died? Say what? You call those black holes? Ahhh. Neat.
Yet, all of these items came from the same huge explosion in the beginning at the same time?
Oh... and somehow, the elements needed to form the sun just HAPPENED to clump together during that explosion, and the elements needed to form the Earth just HAPPENED to clump together.
Ok, I suppose I can accept this on Faith too.

The universe is expanding? Cool! What is it expanding into? You don't know? Oh well.
I suppose I shall just accept that on Faith too, despite the fact that you still have not told me whether the universe is finite or infinite in size.

Wow, takes a lot of Faith to believe in so many crazy theories with so many holes in them.

Seems like it would have taken a pretty smart person to pull off all that creation.
Oh, but you are telling me it just all happened randomly with no intervention whatsoever?
Wow, that is certainly going to require a lot of Faith.
I'll have to get back to you on that one.

New Computer

I decided to make some impulse purchases to finish up buying the parts I would need just to get my new computer up and running.
They should hopefully arrive Tuesday.
They would have been here Saturday, but NewEgg does not opt for Saturday deliveries.
They would have been here today, but I am guessing UPS does not work on the first day of the year.
My items have been sitting in Jackson, MS since 4am on Saturday.

So anyway, what were the final items I purchased?

2.2GHz AMD Duel-Core Processor
320GB hard drive.
256 MB Video Card.

As you can probably guess, it was a nice little chunk of change to get these final pieces.
So, I will be highly limiting my expenditures for a little while to counteract this random decision to spend.

Still, though. I am a little excited. I can hardly wait to build my computer when I get home from work tomorrow.

Also... I am having my new monitor replaced. I opened it up to test it out, and it has a dead pixel in the center. I probably could have just lived with it if it had been in a corner or on one of the sides somewhere, but not in the center. I will make due with an extra CRT we have here until I can get the LCD replaced.

On that note, I shall end this post and do some cleaning.