Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Universal Questions

How big is the universe? Is it a finite size? Or is it infinite?

Many scientists would have us believe that, billions of years ago, there was a massive explosion that formed the universe. Apparently the universe started as small, super-condensed ball of mass.
It exploded and eventually formed what we know of today as the universe.

Is this true? Who knows?
What I typically ask is "from where did that little ball of mass come?"
Guess I have to just accept this idea on Faith, eh?

Oh yeah, and evolution...
Apparently, billions of years ago... somehow, in some magical way, some of this lifeless mass miraculously came to life. Not sure how or why, but I am supposed to also accept this on Faith.
Anyway, this new life was bacteria, and, over the course of billions of years, that initial bacteria evolved into the humans we are today. It just constantly adapted to the environment, and changed as was needed.
Ok, I'll bite...
But my question is... "Why do bacteria still exist?"
If it evolved into a more complex creature in order to survive.... why does the non-complex version still exist?
Why do fish still exist?
Why do frogs still exist?
Why do monkeys still exist?
Hmmm.... I suppose I shall just have to accept this theory on Faith as well.

Oh, apparently the Earth is like... 4.6 billion years old,
but.. you are telling me that it is young? There are older things in the universe? Really?
The sun is in its 3rd generation? Some of its buddies have already grown too old and died? Say what? You call those black holes? Ahhh. Neat.
Yet, all of these items came from the same huge explosion in the beginning at the same time?
Oh... and somehow, the elements needed to form the sun just HAPPENED to clump together during that explosion, and the elements needed to form the Earth just HAPPENED to clump together.
Ok, I suppose I can accept this on Faith too.

The universe is expanding? Cool! What is it expanding into? You don't know? Oh well.
I suppose I shall just accept that on Faith too, despite the fact that you still have not told me whether the universe is finite or infinite in size.

Wow, takes a lot of Faith to believe in so many crazy theories with so many holes in them.

Seems like it would have taken a pretty smart person to pull off all that creation.
Oh, but you are telling me it just all happened randomly with no intervention whatsoever?
Wow, that is certainly going to require a lot of Faith.
I'll have to get back to you on that one.


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