Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Invisibility - Is it so great?

Remember all the old movies where someone became invisible?
Then they would just walk around and do stuff to people?
You could play tricks on your friends...
you could play dirty tricks on your ennemies...
you could hang out in the opposite sex's locker/dressing room.

Or could you?

A long time ago, a friend of mine mentioned something to me,
and yesterday that thought came back to me.

He asked me a question.
"If you were invisible, could you see?"

My first response was "yeah, why not"..... then I thought about it for about 10 seconds.
"Wait... wait.... umm... no?"

How COULD you see if you were invisible?
If light passes right through you, then it passes through your retinas without being processed.

Seems to me that being invisible might actually suck.

Not only would you have to avoid people, but you would be blind...
and they could not see you were blind.
So, that is just an accident waiting to happen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for ruining everyone's dreams of invisibility with your logic...gosh...

7:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

H. G. Wells, in the original The Invisible Man novel, got around this by having Griffin's eyes retain a slight pigment, "fainter than mist." Subsequent stories have largely ignored the issue.

9:09 PM

Blogger Matt said...

I can live with the eyes containing a slight pigment.

There you go, Jared.
The dreams are back in action.

10:35 PM


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