Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rock Band... What's Next?

So the other day I was sitting in a restaurant, enjoying some "Chinese" food when my friend started talking about his Rock Band band, and how great they are doing and how "famous" they are now.
Well, to be honest, I have never really seen the game in action. Based on my experience with Guitar Hero and DDR, and what I had seen on random websites and in random promos, I had a basic idea of how it works.
However, another one of our friends was not really familiar with it or Guitar Hero, but was aware of DDR. He questioned if it was like DDR with musical instruments.
My mind immediately started wandering and wondering. What was said between the two of them for the next few moments did not register in my mind at all.

So what was I thinking about. Well, I will spare you some of the details of the inner workings of my mind, but I shall simply summarize it by stating that I was bouncing through a chain of thoughts of how one might combine DDR and Rock Band. Just the thought of DDR seemed pointless, but there still had to be a way to integrate them...
and that is when I thought about it....

Fly Girls!

Call them whatever you want. Fly girls. Dancing girls. Backup dancers. Background choreographed dance. Whatever it may be..it could be.
Granted, you couldn't really measure all of their body movements. The technology exists, but that would be completely impractical for a console video game until the technology improves and becomes much cheaper.

However, you could still try to measure hand and foot movements using the same technology used for DDR. Lots of little spots to press around you at perfectly choreographed moments. Or perhaps random, but using an algorithm to determine whether it seems to be an acceptable dance move.

I don't know exactly how it would all work, but it just seems like it could be a nice addition.

Or... You could simply just add friggen KEYBOARDS.
You add Keyboards to the game, I'll consider buying it.
No, I don't mean QUERTY or DEVORAK.
Musical synthesizers.
They are still a major part of bands today, and they should be added.
You hear that Harmonix?
Make it happen.


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