Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Monday, December 26, 2005

2006: Festivus

December 2006, I think I shall officially begin celebrating Festivus.
Screw Christmas.
I will continue to celebrate Christmas in the same manner in which I celebrated it this year.
I woke up Sunday morning, I wished Jesus a Happy Birthday, and that was pretty much it.

Working in a movie theatre has made me really hate Christmas.
I no longer have any faith or trust in humanity in general.
Every Christmas, all the deadbeat parents in Mobile drop their children off at the theatre and drive away. When our security stop the parents and tell them they cannot drop them off, the parents drive down the road, drop the kids off, and let them walk to the theatre.
Maybe eventually, when I am away from this type of display, my love for Christmas will come back.
Also...I have a random racial question.
I do not want to sound racist...but WHY are all of the deadbeats that show up on Christmas black? Out of the thousands of people there yesterday, I only saw two little white kids....and I think their parents were actually on the property somewhere. Hundreds upon hundreds of black kids....hundreds with no money.
We had a few families show up. Literally, a few.

At one point, we were forced to just completely shut down because the crowds were too big. We were unable to sell tickets because all these heathen children were just standing there blocking our lines, windows, and entrances.
I was outside surveying the crowd when I got my first dose of pepper spray for the night.
A small fight broke out. I was trying to get to it to break it up, but right as I got to it, I found out the hard way that the police had gotten to it faster.
I never really got much in my eyes, but my throat took a beating.
At least I am building up a tolerance.

"Not mace hon, pepper spray. Sold to civilians. Once you get used to it.......just clears the sinuses." -Under Siege 2

I got stuck taking care of stock. This means counting all of it, restocking all of it, recounting all of it, and verifying all of it. On a typical weekend night, at least 2 people count stock. In this case there are usually only 4 registers to count then the stock room. However, with 2 managers handling money and one running around kicking out people...that left me to do stock.
We had Registers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 open. Though, 2 and 5 do not really have much stock to them.
For those that do not know, register 10 is in our North concession stand. It has not been opened since last December.
This means I not only had to count registers of stock, but our community stock too. (Community includes all non-register specific items, such as hot dogs, nachos, waters, juices.)
So, in the end, that means thousands of "conveniently" separated items.
I think I started counting sometime between 10:45 and 11pm.
I was done doing stock a little after 2am, I think about 2:10.

Counting is very monotonous.

December 2006, I may very well get that Aluminum Pole, I will invite friends over for an Airing of Grievances, we shall partake of the Feast, and then...maybe wrestle.
If, by chance, only attractive females show up...then maybe we'll ad mud to the mixture. Or..there's always the Old School approach...but where would I find 50 gallons of KY Jelly?

One shining light from the evening...
My friend gave me a present.
It is... "The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide".
It looks very much like a bible. I shall treat it as such.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got the ultimate hitchiker's guide for my birthday a few months ago...it is a beautiful thing

3:29 PM

Blogger Brian Wright said...

Sorry you had such a rotten christmas experience. But, I too have noticed that black 'families' are not quite as the name implies. That may also be the reason why the number of crimes are skewed towards a majority of blacks. However, whites do suffer from the same problem and they do make up a large number of crimes as well.

Maybe everyone could use a lesson on what it means to be a family. But then that would encroach upon their freedoms as a person. They can't go out to a friends to drink because they have to stay home with the kids. BLAH

9:19 PM


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