Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Wheels to Africa?

OK...so I was watching CNN this morning...and I was horrified at this disgusting charity some kid started.


Now, don't get me wrong... I applaud the kid for at least making some sort of effort to help people other than himself.

However...I cannot understand this charity at all.
They are sending bicycles to Africa so that people can get to hospitals and doctors to get medical attention when they need it.


What is this nonsense?
How on EARTH is a bicycle going to help them?
If you are too sick to WALK....how in the world are you going to ride a bike?

I apologize if this makes me seem inconsiderate...
but gee wiz...
They could put forth effort to help people in THIS country instead of wasting money and resources on people in other countries.

I, for one, think we should take care of our own first...THEN worry about the others.

What's worse is that the kid has a following now.
Within just a couple of minutes of him being on CNN, he had tons of posts on this "blog" of his linked above.

Humanity makes no sense.

There was one benefit to me visiting the blog...
One of the commenters had a very hot wife.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, if people are willing to donate money to the cause, then let them. It's not a waste of money...that young man spent no money to have that drive. People were cleaning out their sheds. And I'll have you know, that the bikes will allow them to get to food and water. If they are too sick to get to medical attention, perhaps medical attention can be brought the them via BICYCLE. Get over yourself and be happy for a kid who's thinking of someone other than himself.

5:53 AM

Blogger Matt said...

Perhaps you can explain to me HOW these bicycles would help!?
If the person is too sick to walk, how are they going to ride a bike?
If you are talking about the medicines coming to them, I would assume the people paying the missionary would have already provided them with a vehicle or bike of some sort.
I would very much like to see this effort cause some sort of benefit. If not, then it is fraud.
The only viable thing I can think of would be to also provide a cart or something to allow someone healthy to carry someone to help easily, but I have not seen the boy collecting many of THOSE.
Get over youself.
If these people just need to get to food and water......MOVE! They can move their village near a river and start growing crops.
I do not wish to sound mean, cruel, and heartless, but this is still one of the worst charities I have ever seen. It makes no sense. It needs to be rethought, I think.
Either that, or there are many hidden details about this charity that were not shared on CNN.
Why not just collect money and teach the people how to farm food and dig wells?

Maybe I am missing the point somewhere. It just makes no sense.

8:54 AM


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