Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Trees Cause Global Warming?

Ok, so there is this scientist guy in California that is trying to convince people that trees actually help contribute to Global Warming.

This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

Ok, sure, trees release heat. That is what they were DESIGNED to do. Remember that deity, what was its name? Oh yeah...GOD? At night, when the sun has set, the heat collected by the Earth during the day is released to keep us warm at night. That is what it is supposed to do. Without it, we would freeze to death.

Ok, now, let us say you do not believe in God. Perhaps you are a fan of that whole "evolution" thing. Over the course of the last "several billion years", the Earth has adapted to the life on the planet, and the life has adapted, in return, to the subtle changes in the Earth. This takes "millions of years". Trees grew all the time. They adapted to the weather patterns on the planet. Their leaves grew out to be the exact color NECESSARY for EFFICIENT PHOTOSYNTHESIS. (Gee, I wonder how that happened!?!)
This meant that the leaves absorbed much light, and in effect, much heat.
This heat was released at night.
At the same time, the leaves converted all the CO2 exhaled by the animals of the planet into wonderful, clean oxygen.
This was the typical thing to do.
Occasionally, when there were too many trees for the animal population of the planet, fires would break out to burn much of the forests, then a rain storm would form to put out the fires.
Gee......convenient, don't ya think?

All of a sudden, there was a population surge.
People started driving vehicles that directly attacked the environment.
The Earth has not had time to adapt to this sudden change.

these trees are doing the same thing they have done for "billions of years", yet you are going to blame them for it? YOU are the one that threw a wrench into their plans.

Trees are GOOD things. Plain and simple.
Do NOT go around telling people that trees are a threat to the environment, because then people will start cutting more of them down, and we, as a society, will suffocate.

You should be SHOT. You are trying to kill us all.
THINK before you speak, you stupid, stupid person you!

"What do you call an American with PhD in science?
-Asian Dodgeball Announcers on South Park


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