Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas != Family Togetherness

OK...so what dimwitted atheist came up with the idea that the true meaning of Christmas is to be together with your family?
Probably the same guy that invented the concept of Santa Clause.

Christmas is and always has been...the celebration of the birth of the Messiah to the followers of the Christian faith.
For hundreds of years, people have been falsely celebrating the holiday and coming up with "true" meanings of Christmas.
Christmas is not about the toys, the egg nog, the reindeer, the fat jolly guy in a red suit, the elves, the family, the friends, or anything else. It is plain and simply...the celebration of the birth of Yeshua.

That being said....
Anyone up for a Christmas Party! :-)
I do not know why I felt like ranting about this. I have conformed to society's point of view on this issue anyway. It just sort of pisses me off when movies make a big deal about it.

On a different note...I made another observation today.
At least once a day or so...some smoker comes up to me and asks if I have a light.
This thought came to mind when my boss asked an employee at work tonight if he had a lighter. (She wanted to light some candles on a birthday cake.)
This is the observation:
When you need a lighter...a smoker usually has one.
When the smoker needs a lighter...they have to find another smoker.
When that smoker also does not have one...they have to begin a trek to find the first person they can find with a lighter.
Why do smokers not simply carry an extra lighter around? It's small. Not too much trouble...it would seem.

Also...in watching a couple of cute girls walk out of the theatre last Wednesday afternoon...I had a thought...
They walked outside and immediately lit up cigarettes. They were having trouble, because of the wind. I saw their hair blow around near the cigarette. Like clockwork...and without any visible communication between them...they both turned away from the wind to light their cigarettes. This is when this thought came to mind........Wouldn't it be AWESOME if they lit their hair on fire!? I'd laugh. I would not feel bad, because...well....they are smokers. I despise smokers. Plus..the best part...it would give me a great excuse to run out and drench two cute girls in water (or some other translucent liquid that extinguishes fires). Quickest would be water. Then...they'd be cold...and wet.
...I'm sure you can get where my mind is hovering on that one.
If you cannot figure it out...you do not know me well enough...or...you have a pure or naive mind...or....you are just too young and need to stop reading this sometimes PG-13-rated blog.

Hmm...that's all I can remember I wanted to say for now. I guess I will have to blog later if I remember anything else.
Goodbye, blog.


Blogger Darv said...

"..Wouldn't it be AWESOME if they lit their hair on fire!? I'd laugh. I would not feel bad, because...well....they are smokers. I despise smokers. Plus..the best part...it would give me a great excuse to run out and drench two cute girls in water (or some other translucent liquid that extinguishes fires). Quickest would be water. Then...they'd be cold...and wet."

Man, you're an evil conservative. It would be cool, actually.

10:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:33 AM


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