Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I hate irresponsible people.

I Hate Jack Thompson.
I hate these parents.

These people are only out to destroy others.

First of all, Jack Thompson is threatening to sue Amazon.com because his book is getting bad reviews. If he had not have screwed over many people, maybe he would not be a target for bad publicity.
It is not Amazon's fault that he is a total waste of human flesh.
Amazon is a MASSIVE company. They cannot be expected to put a team in charge of keeping a constant eye on Thompson's book.
This guy is just a pompous jerk
There are so many things I could say about that, but...I shall save them.
I do not want to completely bad mouth him right now.

Then there are those pathetic parents that are blaming Blizzard for not doing a good job of caring for their baby.
Oh wait, their child is 13? The kid was playing a video game?
Hmm...so what happened?
The kid plummeted to his death after trying to imitate a "scene" he saw in World of Warcraft.
First of all, I want to know what scene he was imitating, because usually when I jump from high places in the game I die too. Was he TRYING to kill himself?
Sounds like the parents need to MONITOR THEIR CHILDREN.
It is NOT Blizzard's fault that this stupid kid jumped to his death.
If he was "addicted" to the game, then they should have done what every other self-respecting Chinese parents would have done and PUT THE KID TO WORK.
Get him away from the computer!

Besides, now that this kid is gone, they are free to have another child! Yay, Chinese population restrictions.
Maybe this time they will wind up with a girl and shame will be cast upon the family.

Stupid parents.


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