Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Cable Networks ... Charities?

I was reading through some random news articles and what-not when I came across an article relating to the debate between the cable industry and the FCC regarding creating an a la carte program to allow consumers to choose which stations that want and not have to pay for the rest.
Personally, I have never minded really paying for all the other channels. It is nice to have them just in case some random show comes on that is actually interesting. Plus, when guests come over, they might have different tastes.
However, one of the arguments listed pissed me off, and it totally made me change my mind on the issue.

If you read the article, check out "Theory #2".
They list one of the reasons that a la carte will not work. It makes absolutely no sense to me.
"No way will a la carte fly. It would bankrupt unpopular, niche television channels, ruin
an industry pricing system that has taken decades to erect, and ultimately raise the
cost of cable TV service so much that popular support among consumers will evaporate."

You mean to tell me I have been paying to keep channels alive that no one watches? The cable companies donate money to this failing channels so they can stay on the air? What the heck is this crap.
I figured that, as a whole, every channel had a huge following. I know what I like..that is my demographic. Other people like other things. Everyone pays a little extra and it helps support the greater good.
However, now I am hearing that there are actually channels no one watches. We are all paying to keep these apparent pieces of crap on the air? This is ridiculous.

If a business has no customers, it goes out of business. That is the way our economy works.
If a cable channel has no viewers, it should be shut down and help reduce the costs to the rest of the consumers. Cable companies should not be "donating" money to these channels simply because millions of people are paying an extra $0.67 or something. Send that to the rest of the channels that MATTER.

On the other hand, I am willing to give each channel a buffer period.
If the cable companies want these channels to stay on the air, they should "donate" some advertising time on other networks to drum up interest. Give each channel a couple of months to try to create a fan base. If they cannot get enough of a base to generate their own sufficient advertising revenue...pull the plug.

That's my 67 cents.


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