Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Great Cat, The Cold Evil Woman, and the Portable Walk-In Closet that Serves as a Doorway to a Magical Land

Yeah...the movie was good.
I am not going to say it was GREAT,
but it was good.

The film has taken a lot of flak for having a lot of religious symbolism.
I do not see what the problem is.
The story was written by a Christian writer.

"Does the Lion represent Christ or not?"
Of COURSE he does.
Christ was sacrificed and Peter was chosen to continue his work on Earth.
I hope that does not ruin the movie for anyone reading this.
...should have read the book.

I loved the movie, actually.
I could see myself actually watching it again.
Not many movies get that nod from me.

The visuals were nice.
The acting was a little off.
The silly arguments among the children were very cheesy.
I could almost swear that in one scene the White Witch was trying to seduce Edmond.
I also thought Lucy was getting hit on by the Faun.

I must watch a couple of scenes again. Susan references a red coat on Santa, and I do not remember seeing a red coat on him.
Lucy's footprints in the snow looked too big to be her's.
The children seemed to be overly mesmerized by the Lightpost.
...sure, I know that the Lightpost is a major symbol in the book (and in the film),
but it is still just a "lightpost" before they learn anything. Why should it amaze them so much?
A couple moments of the audio were questionable.
After one of the White Witch's wands was broken in half...how did it suddenly get fixed?
If none of the inhabitants of Narnia had ever seen a human before, how did they know what one looked like. .....and was not the White Witch a human? Apparently humans must have been around before, because everyone was ordered to kill them on sight. Hmmm.... plot hole?
Where did the prophecy come from?


Look..ok...I will save the rest of my thoughts for myself.
I do not want to completely ruin the movie for anyone else.
Let's just say, it is worth watching.
The music was wonderful.
I may actually buy the soundtrack.

For now...I am hungry.
The kitchen calls.


I also forgot about the handkerchief.
It was given back to Lucy twice.
The older Susan was very cute.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the plotholes...
Read "The Magician's Nephew".

11:24 AM


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