Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Gibbet Backed Down!??

My mother got a puppy for Christmas.
This was a huge surprise, since my father hates animals. Yet.... he got her a puppy.
She wanted to name it Copper, but then decided on Rusty.
I think Copper would have been cool, because then I could have made his middle name Duracell. It would have been a play on Durell. Get it? Duracell, copper top?
Oh well.
The other day, I tried to introduce Gibbet to Rusty. It did not go over well. Gibbet tried to attack. So I held her down. She got pissed.
Today, I tried to introduce them again today.
I think she was either feeling unimportant or emasculated (if you can use that term for a female).
Perhaps she is just getting old and did not feel like fighting? Perhaps she was tired?
Perhaps she was just depressed because of the whole "Matt won't let me kill it" scenario.
Whatever the case may be......
I did not expect that.
Maybe she's been eating too many Snausages. (BTW, I got her a box of Scooby Snacks for Christmas. I've been spoiling her with them.)
Though, friends they are not.
Rusty was confused. He moved closer. This set Gibbet off... she lunged at it and attacked.
Maybe she did not attack the first time because she somehow KNEW it was "just a puppy" and KNEW that it was not a challenge for her.
Still... the puppy is bigger than her. Once it moved into her territory, I guess she just decided to defend herself. She would have definitely won, had I let her continue fighting. I, of course, could not let that happen. I picked her up and put her further away. She stayed for a moment. Rusty followed me as I led him back to his room.
Gibbet followed.... but she decided to instead explore the kitchen.
She loves bags.

Oh well...
that's my Gibbet post.


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