Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

World of Waitcraft

Ok, well I have been sleeping more regularly now.
around 9pm I get extremely tired. Usually around midnight I get a little more energy.
Then, between 1am and 2am, my body completely shuts down.
I wake up 3-5 hours later.
This has happened the last three nights in a row.

Anyway, I woke up at about 6:40 this morning.
I watched the ending of what I believe is a show called "Timecop".
Three Stooges are on now.
I ate some cereal, drank some orange juice, and played with Gibbet for a bit.

Well...about an hour ago (about 8), I got online to play some World of Warcraft.
I figured I could kill some time while I wait for most local businesses to open (so I can run some errands).
Well....what do I find? A message.
They are all going to be down until 11pm pst? What is that, 1pm here?
Dude, that sucks royally.

Me being me, I decided to try logging in anyway.
To my surprise, my login went through.
It started downloading the new patch, which is nothing special except some stupid pre-login-screen screen with news and such.
Now I have more buttons to push to get into the game.

Well...I loaded the game and logged in again. This times, all the realms really were down.

Now...all I can do is wait. This sucks. My one day off. I am free to play the game, and WHAM...waiting.



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