Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Grief Counselors

Why do these people exist?
What is wrong with our society?
Whenever there is a death of a student at some high-school somewhere, they bring in "grief counselors" to help the children deal with the death.
Why do these children need time off to deal with this?
I do not remember having grief counselors when we had deaths and such at our school. Kids got killed in drive-by shootings, they got killed while drunk driving, they overdosed on drugs, and they sometimes committed suicide. I never heard one word about "grief counselors".
Has society become so pussified that it cannot deal with a death now?
Maybe I am just different simply because I have been to countless funerals in my lifetime, but it seems to me that all of these people should have dealt with death before.
It is not like death is something NEW. It has been happening since the beginning of time.
Death happens.
Deal with it, you stupid kids.

That reminds me of another rant.
The other night I had G4 playing in the background. I guess they just play clips from video games. I was waiting on a group on WoW when I heard voices. It was a video clip some guy had recorded. It looked like it was SOCOM 2 or something similar. The guy he was playing with was screaming and yelling. His parents had walked into the room to tell him to turn down the TV because they were going to bed. He lashed back at them saying that it was "bull$hit", and that he did not need to turn it down.
Much yelling ensued. Somehow, at some point, the mother offered to get the kid a drink. He said he wanted a Mountain Dew. As she was on her way to get it, he changed his mind and said he wanted Chocolate Milk. I am not exactly sure what the reason for her not getting the Chocolate Milk was, but I think they were out. The kid got pissed again and started cussing out his mom, again. He called her a liar several times and just kept yelling about the situation.
Kids like this should be slapped.
Parents like this should be shot.
Parents should NOT tolerate should disobedience, otherwise it spoils the child.
Parents are too scared to raise their children properly.
Maybe this is why they need grief counselors!?? These kids have never faced reality! Wow...I think I just answered my question.
I love how life works sometimes.


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