Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Fun Vocabulary

I was planning to make a posting about how much I am beginning to dislike my job, but I won't.
I thought about talking about the customers I managed to piss off tonight, but I won't.
What I will do...is list a few words I think are interesting words.

1) Flibbertigibbet. It is my favorite word. Yes, it really is a word.
2) Effervescent. It is just so much fun to say.
3) Kalamazoo. It is a city in Michigan. That word is also fun to say.
4) Enigma. It just sounds cool.
5) Coccyx. Is that not a great word?
6) Sphygmomanometer. A VERY fun word to say.
I think I will continue this list another day.

....and while I am on the subject of words...I shall mention something.
a phrase I hate......
any variation of "God told me to."
How do you KNOW God told you to do something?
I can understand it a little more if someone puts a dealbreaker in there somewhere like "I feel" or "I believe".
If someone tells me they are doing something because God told them to, I immediately label them as crazy. God has not literally verbally SPOKEN to anyone since before Christ visited this planet. Now, people have to interpret signs. Ninety-nine percent of the time, when someone says that God told them to do something, they are WRONG, because they simply heard their own voice in their head and thought it was a good idea. Don't confuse God with Conscience.

I know that sounds anti-Christian, but....I have seen how out of hand things can get when a person says God told him or her to do something. Many other Christians will believe them....and what the person does turns out to be a really BAD idea.

I should shut up now. Maybe I am just really sleepy or something.


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