Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Monday, January 30, 2006


Work sucked.
When I got to the theatre, it was busy. So I immediately headed to the concession stand to help out. I was informed by the other managers that we were out of CO2. This was bad. They had tried to turn on the backup tank, but for some reason it was not working.
After fiddling with it for a bit, I thought I had it working, then suddenly the pressure shot down to zero.
This is bad. There is also no good explanation for it either.
Anyway, after a while I came back and fiddled with it some more....just to make sure I had not overlooked anything. Well, as it turned out...the release valve on the backup tank was a little messed up. Turned to maximum level, it shut off the flow. If I turned it down slightly, it maxed out. Pressure was still a little low, but it was enough to get the drinks all fizzy again.
Well...a few minutes letter, Miranda noticed that the line was freezing over on the tank. As it turns out, there was a small leak in the line from the tank. The tank is new (we recently had it replaced). It has never been used, so we have never had a chance to make sure it works. Well, for safety and monetary concerns, we decided to just go ahead and shut down the CO2 system for the building.
Basically, this means that all the drinks people would normally by were unavailable.
Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Pibb Extra, Root Beer, Fanta Orange, Coke Icee, and Cherry Icee.
What DID we have available?
Hi-C Fruit Punch, Bottled Waters, and 20oz Minute Maid drinks.
This pissed a lot of people off. Despite the fact that I had signs posted EVERYWHERE, people still managed to wait in line and order a Coke. Of course, I would tell them it was not available. They would complain that we should tell people that before they wait in line. .... I hate Alabama. Why cannot people READ?
I had someone order a Coke while staring STRAIGHT AT THE SIGN.

Well....if that were not enough, we ran out of hot cheese. We could NOT keep heating it up fast enough to meet the demands of the customers ordering Nachos....so ....we just stopped selling those.
This pissed people off even more.
These signs were posted too. Still...people kept ordering them. I hate illiterate people.

I got complaints all night.

If that were not bad enough...people kept trashing the theatre.
Without sounding racist or anything...the theatres housing Big Momma's House 2 were trashed completely. Just those two. The others were totally tolerable. Those two theatres looked as if people had intentionally thrown stuff around. I say this due to the layers of popcorn found on every section of the floor. Think about the demographic of that movie. .......makes you think. The theatres were like that all weekend.
I hate stupid and inconsiderate people too.

Oh well...
I have work I should probably do, and maybe some sleep would be good.
I do not know.
I just need to go, I guess.
So long, blog.


Blogger Darv said...

"Still...people kept ordering them. I hate illiterate people."

Products of a Govt. run school system.

10:18 AM


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