Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Fire!! ...or...not

Well...it was a pretty slow night at work.
That being said, we only had about 6 or 7 people arrested.
I think we had 3 arrested for smoking pot in one of our stairwells,
and the rest were arrested for discharging a fire extinguisher in one of our theatres.
It was bad.
They are dry-chemical extinguishers, so they basically just expunge a vast amount of dust that gets all over everything quickly and fills the air with a fine mist.
Needless to say, the people in the auditorium were upset.
I can understand that...but did they really have to YELL at me as if it was my fault?
Those people were very mean.

A few of the people were nice....especially the ones that did not leave. They just roughed it out and watched the movie anyway. Some of them did not even know what happened. I do not see how. They must be blind. The chemical was all over everything....even them.
Oh well.


On a different note...I recently got a notice from Maxim Magazine telling me that it is time to renew my subscription. I had forgotten I had one. Apparently I have not been receiving some of the issues. Well...there is a point to this...I promise.
I got the November issue yesterday. Just before heading to work I fanned through it and saw an article about creating the ultimate PC. I thought that was interesting. They had a price quote on an nVidia Dual Geforce 7800 GTX for like...$600. I thought that was insane.

Well anyway, I just read through the magazine and one of the sections was "100 Things You Need to Know About Women". Now....many of these are interesting. A couple of the things that really jumped off the page at me are:

73: "Over the course of her life, a woman will use 10 men for every one she loves. If you lent her your car or helped her move and didn't get laid, you're one of the 10."
Wow...I've been in several lists of 10.

67: "Kiss her before two dates have gone by or you'll be 'friended.'"
Well...that explains a lot there.

55: "The best-looking women often possess the least self-confidence."
Anybody ever meet Karen at the Vanguard? She is a prime example.

37: "Women's public bathrooms are about three times more disgusting than men's."
....This...is true. Unfortunately. Cleaning the restrooms at Hollywood has proven this time and time again. Women are disgusting.

29: "On a first date, women never order what they really want to eat."
I shall have to bring this up if I ever have another first date.

25: "At least one of her friends wants to sleep with you."
I am assuming this is referring to a girlfriend, and not just a random woman.

22: "If you want more sex, tell your girl an attractive woman hit on you that day. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time."
I just found that one funny.

5: "Female serial killers tend to use poison rather than guns or knives."
This is just disturbing.

...and I think the funniest one I read, just because of what it says is:
44: "A psycho jealous girl will do anything to keep her man -- including anal."
I thought that was funny.

That is my copyright violation for the day.
Catch you later, blog.


Blogger Brian Wright said...

Man...thats weak...yelling at you for the idiots unruley behavior...

7:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can vouch for #55.

3:02 PM


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