Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Animated Innuendo

Work was pretty busy. Overall, it was not a very busy day. However, between 6 and 10 we brought in roughly 2300 people. That is pretty busy for what should normally be a slow Friday at this time of the year.
Anyway, after work, Miranda and I decided to get something to eat at Steak & Shake.
After that, I rushed home to catch TBS's "Too Funny To Sleep".
I turned on the TV in time to find "Mr. Show". I watch it on occasion, but I am not a big fan. I was not in the mood to watch it, so I decided to surf around.
I hit Cartoon Networking hoping to find some Animé or something, but it was their stupid Cartoon Cartoon Friday thing.
I was just in time for an episode of "I. M. Weasel".
I have not seen that show in forever, so I decided to leave it while I wait for Mr. Show to go off.
I sat down and ate my leftovers from S&S.
Then...I heard something very strange.
In this particular episode, Weasel and Baboon were working in a grocery store. Weasel had just been declared employee of the month....again. Baboon was coming in from outside where he had been riding the little kiddie ride. Weasel said something that made Baboon angry. Weasel, at the time, was "dusting the bananas"....then this is the thing I heard that I thought was rather odd (yet funny).
Baboon said "Why don't you go wax your zucchinis?"
Is it just me, or is this basically "Why don't you go f*** yourself?"
Anyway, Weasel replied that he had already done it.
He then announced when he was done "dusting his bananas", then he was off to "massage his melons" or something similar to that. I cannot remember the third phrase very well.
I just thought that was very interesting.
Oh well, I just thought I would share that quick little story.


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