Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Monday, January 02, 2006

A Question of Etiquette

Ok, random question about etiquette involving a very specific type of hug.
Yesterday I had a random memory from a few weeks ago...

I was out with some friends. I was a little intoxicated. This girl, a friend, was also intoxicated.
She came up to me and gave me a hug.
The problem?
I was sitting down, and she was standing up.
...so...what's the problem?
Well...think about the anatomy placement there.

She was pulling my face into her chest.
Now...being intoxicated, I very much enjoyed this hug.
If you continue to thing about the anatomy placement, you can easily figure out where my arms are placed.

So, the question is this.
What is the etiquette in a hug like this?
Should I just leave my face buried? Should I push back and remove my face from the chest?
Should I push it a step further in some way?

Keep in mind, this hug lasted like...a minute. .... and I was ditzy from alcohol.
Also keep in mind, this girl is rather attractive.
The correct actions might feasible change depending on the relative attractiveness of the female performing the hug.

Oh well.

That was my random memory question.


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