Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Monday, February 13, 2006

My Day

I went to bed last night with a horrible headache.
My friend, the doctor-in-training, told me I should take some medicine.
I did not really want to, though I was thinking about trying it anyway.
My aversion comes from the fact that, historically and statistically, taking a headache medicine is a gamble for me. I'd say it is about a 50/50 chance. There is a 50% chance it will work fine. Last night was not one of those times. The other 50% chance is that it will make my headache worse.
It did.
The only thing I could do was get in bed and hope for the best.
The headache continued.
Eventually, I forced myself out of bed at around 7:30 feeling much better. I decided to do some laundry. I washed a load of clothes, then I had this idea to create a new version of the project on which I have been working for "T".
After submitting my resume to "T" last Wednesday, they called me back 1 hour and 28 minutes later. I interviewed with 4 people Thursday. "K" was great. She seems very personable. "G", "D", and "E" were cool. They seem like people with whom I could easily get along.
There are plenty of cute females at "T" too.
Well, anyway, after interviewing with them, they gave me a project to complete. I did one in about an hour and submitted it. I then took another day to try out a flash version. I was not thrilled with the version I made, but it was my first real flash.
This morning, I created something over which I could be proud....considering I am still a huge n008 with flash.
Three hours after my submission, "K" from "T" called me to tell me she wanted to set up a "chat" with the "VP". .... ok...so everyone knows what "VP" means...big deal.
Anyway, the chat was scheduled for Tuesday at 2pm.
I was so excited, my adrenaline started pumping. To expel some energy, I decided to go outside and run around with Rusty (my mom's puppy). In the process, I got very scratched up.
Anyway, while I was outside... "K" called back to tell me she had just found out the "VP" would be out of town until Friday. She would call me back when she could find out when he would be available to chat.

Still....I am in a good mood.
Things are looking up for the Phlibbertigibbet.
if even HALF of the girls that stared at me Thursday are single...


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