Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

More Confusion at TeVo

So I started at TeVo today. They checked through my paperwork. I got my little access card. I took the drug screen test thingie..... and I sat and watched people work for the entire day.

Well...actually...Jennifer took me on a tour of the TeVo areas. I WANT TO WORK IN I.T. NOW.
She also introduced me to pretty much everyone. There are a LOT of females there. Many of them are actually cute. I've particularly got my eye on the tall brunette. I wish I could remember her name. Still, though....there are a lot of cute ones.

After giving me a tour it was time for me to get to work. The problem? No workstation for Matt yet. This was where my confusion came in. They called me to tell me they really needed me to start immediately........ Why did they not have a workstation ready?
So, my work for the day involved sitting in the same cubicle as Eric and watching him work.
I got so bored so quickly.
I eventually went to lunch. That was grand. I walked around the building and searched for a courtyard. There wasn't one. At one point while exploring, I saw that cute, tall brunette walking around. It was outside, so I figured it was the perfect opportunity to at least TALK to her. So...I asked her. "Hey, is there a courtyard or plaza around here anywhere where someone can just sit and relax?"
She told me there was a table around the back, but it was basically the smoking area. Apparently, she typically just brings a blanket and sits on the grass. That sounded like a great idea. Well...I went to the table...there was no one there. I sat there for a bit, then suddenly I was surrounded by smokers.
I had to remove myself.

Well, after lunch, I went back and chatted with some of the other webmasters until Eric arrived again. Donald realized I was bored, and he gave me the Account Manager Manual to read through. I finished it promptly.
After a few more hours, I got so insanely bored I was having trouble keeping myself awake. I decided to take a break from doing nothing. I decided to run up the stairs. When I hit the top of the building, I turned around and ran down to the bottom floor. Then, I ran up to the 7th floor again. The exercise helped me a lot.

Then, it was time for me to leave. So I did.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

New jobs can be real frustrating. Hopefully the nest of the week want that bad though.

One thing to keep in mind with bigger companies, departments don't always communicate well. Your manager told you to start early, but probably neglected to tell the people who issue PCs.

8:36 PM


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