For many of you who know me, you know my cell phone has been acting up.
I cannot turn it off. Two reasons....
The power button is screwed up.
and...because of that,
if I were to remove the battery to shut it off....I can never turn it on . the last few weeks I have just been keeping it charged every night.
Being on for so long, I think, is causing it to go crazy. It has started doing things a computer with Windows might randomly do. It is entertaining at times...but always annoying.
So..I've been telling myself recently that I want to buy a SLVR.
People kept telling me I should get a RAZR...but I hate flip phones. I have never really liked them.
I woke up today with my mind dead set on buying a SLVR. T-Mobile does not offer them to customers, but you can still use them with T-Mobile because the phone happens to be compatible with the system.
This is where the bad decision comes into play.
I searched all through the phones on eBay. I saw two exactly alike that were about to end. I took the 12 minutes left in the auctions to do some research on the phones. I checked Motorola's website...but it was useless. It told me nothing about the features of the phone.
I decided to check out random third-party sites.
Eventually I made the decision to snipe an auction. I won.
10 seconds after paying for my auction...I noticed....
I bought an older model.
What I wanted was the SLVR L7.
What I bought was the SLVR L6.
I could have had the L7 for about $30 more.
I am actually angry with myself right now.
The L6 does not have iTunes nor an expansion slot.
It is simply a phone with a mediocre camera.
I like bells and whistles.
Next time I shall have to just not buy on impulse.
I guess I should look at this on a positive note.
I was dead set on buying a SLVR....and I got one.
Might not be the right one...but it is still the SLVR.
My question is...
Why don't the TV commercials list the model numbers more clearly.
When I hear "SLVR with iTunes"...I think that the SLVR comes with iTunes.
"A" SLVR comes with iTunes....not "THE" SLVR.
I hate loopholes.
Still, though. Come sometime mid-week....I should have a new phone.
I just hope it can send Text Messages now.
Geez, what a bad decision.