Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

New Additions

Ok....so I have two new additions to discuss.

My New Freckles!
I have at least four new freckles on my forehead. If they are not new, then they are definitely darker than they used to be. Cause I've never noticed them. It almost seems like they are forming a pattern. Sunburns can have interesting side effects.

My New Book!

I got invited to go on a raid last night. I used a friend's computer, so as to get a better framerate. Four members of the guild took me to get attuned, then we immediately jumped into Molten Core. The rest of the guild had already been fighting through it. When I went in, I pretty much started at the first boss I think. I nearly died, but didn't. In fact.... No one died that I know of.
Well...in that first big fight...I got my first big Epic Item.
I was the lucky recipient of a copy of Fire Runed Grimoire
It is not as shiny or bright as my old item I used to carry, but it has over double the Intelligence.
Looks like I shall have to raid more often. I may get some pretty cool stuff.

That is all.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Sunburn

Saturday morning, some of the PF crew and I went to the track to watch Erin win the poll vaulting competition.
Some of the PF crew and I also left the track with sunburns.
I honestly did not think I was out there long enough to get burned. It did not feel all that super hot. However, for the rest of the day, my skin kept turning red. My arms, legs, face, and neck were all burned.
Well...that is to say, all of those appendages had burns on them.
The tops of my forearms, the inner sides of my legs, the back of my neck, and the top of my face were all burned.
The worst burn, considering pain, was my forehead. It still hurts quite a bit, and it has begun to peel.
However, my legs started to itch earlier...so I decided to check on my burns.
My left leg does not look burned....it looks like I rubbed it raw. It looks like someone took steel wool and just tried to clean my shin. It does not really hurt at all, but it does itch.....and it looks nasty. ...... not sure why.

Well...that is the story of my sunburn.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Censure Personnelle

C'est une conspiration.
C'est tout que je dois dire à ce sujet.

Sur une note différente...
J'ai coupé une boîte en petites bandes et ai construit un camp pour Gibbet.
En fait... j'ai placé les bandes sur le vieux camp du Rusty.
Well, it worked. She seemed to like it...for a few minutes.
However, she seemed to spend more time dans la boîte de carton I placed in the middle of the pen.
Trevor and Malina seem to finally be warming up to her. They used to be completely terrefied of her...even if I was holding her at the time.
I guess the pen made a big difference, or maybe it was Rusty's incessant barking.

I am glad they are finally not bolting at the first site of her. Malina used to run if she saw me....ever since Gibbet got "too close" to her, and she hit her head on the wall while falling off the bed in an attempt to get away from the vicious ferret.
J'aime mon furet mignon et petit.

I hope she gets well soon. I do not like the thought of her being sick.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hey, Big Brother

...it's a great day!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Incessant Scratching

Something is wrong with Gibbet.
She has started scratching like crazy.
I have combed through all her fur and found no fleas.
I am wondering if maybe her skin is losing moisture or something.
She is losing fur from her tail and back legs.

She just keeps scratching.
She woke me up several times last night with the sound of her little bell.
It jingles a lot when she scratches.

She also fell asleep on my stomach last night.
That does not happen.
Something is wrong with Gibbet.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Bad Decisions

For many of you who know me, you know my cell phone has been acting up.
I cannot turn it off. Two reasons....
The power button is screwed up.
and...because of that,
if I were to remove the battery to shut it off....I can never turn it on .
OK...so...for the last few weeks I have just been keeping it charged every night.
Being on for so long, I think, is causing it to go crazy. It has started doing things a computer with Windows might randomly do. It is entertaining at times...but always annoying.
So..I've been telling myself recently that I want to buy a SLVR.
People kept telling me I should get a RAZR...but I hate flip phones. I have never really liked them.

I woke up today with my mind dead set on buying a SLVR. T-Mobile does not offer them to customers, but you can still use them with T-Mobile because the phone happens to be compatible with the system.

This is where the bad decision comes into play.
I searched all through the phones on eBay. I saw two exactly alike that were about to end. I took the 12 minutes left in the auctions to do some research on the phones. I checked Motorola's website...but it was useless. It told me nothing about the features of the phone.
I decided to check out random third-party sites.

Eventually I made the decision to snipe an auction. I won.

10 seconds after paying for my auction...I noticed....
I bought an older model.

What I wanted was the SLVR L7.
What I bought was the SLVR L6.
I could have had the L7 for about $30 more.
I am actually angry with myself right now.
The L6 does not have iTunes nor an expansion slot.
It is simply a phone with a mediocre camera.

I like bells and whistles.
Next time I shall have to just not buy on impulse.

I guess I should look at this on a positive note.
I was dead set on buying a SLVR....and I got one.
Might not be the right one...but it is still the SLVR.

My question is...
Why don't the TV commercials list the model numbers more clearly.
When I hear "SLVR with iTunes"...I think that the SLVR comes with iTunes.
"A" SLVR comes with iTunes....not "THE" SLVR.
I hate loopholes.

Still, though. Come sometime mid-week....I should have a new phone.
I just hope it can send Text Messages now.
Geez, what a bad decision.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

First Five Minutes

I started wondering...
"What do other people do when they get home from work or school?"
I do not know why this thought popped into my head...
but it started making me think about what I do, and I
was wondering if other people have my same routine,
or if I am just a freak.

When I get home, I take off my shoes and place them next to the door to my room.
I open the door to my room, walk in, and turn on the light if it is off (sometimes, on gloomy days, I leave it on for Gibbet).
I turn on my computer.
I search for the remote and turn on the TV.
I take off my work shirt.
I remove all items from my pockets and place them in free spots on my dresser or computer stand.
When the computer finishes booting. I open up Firefox and go to Gmail to check my mail.
By this time, usually Gibbet starts making noises in her cage...and I let her out.
I pick her up and pet her for a moment...then let her loose.
I then go back to the computer and open up Trillian if it is not already open.
Then...I start to search for something good on TV.

That's pretty much my first 5 minutes.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Random Reboot

So I cannot turn off my cell phone.
My power button is screwed up. If I shut it off, I cannot turn it back on again. I need to buy a new phone.
Well...this has been the case for a few weeks now. I have been doing my best to ensure my phone always has plenty of charge.
Today, while walking the track, I was playing around with it, sharing stories about how it had been screwing up strangely lately.
All of a sudden, the side lights shut off, the back light went out, and the LCD just kindof melted away.
I started to freak out. My first thought was that I would be without a phone for a while.
Then...I saw the battery bar.
After a few moments, the phone started up.
My phone rebooted itself. I think it ran out of memory from being on for so long...and it just shut down and rebooted. I think that is very cool.


On a different note. I managed to embarrass myself today.
Leaving work, for some reason, the song "Yankee Doodle" got stuck in my head, so I was whistling it. I get nice reverberation in the stairwell.
I do not usually mind whistling in there, because I am usually the only person using the stairwell.
Well...today, I was whistling up a storm when suddenly I heard other footsteps. I look to realize some gorgeous female is giving me a look like..."Freak."
I shut up...and continue the rest of the awkward trip down the stairs.

I get down the stairs. I leave down one hallway, she leaves through the front door.
I look to check her out again...and she gives me this stare.

Now that I think about it....it's kindof funny.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

A blog post.

I have not posted in a while.
I do not have a good reason for that,
I just haven't.
Let's see....
Wednesday, We started our little exercise sessions. We started out slow with a walk in the park with Thor. Afterward, we watched "Deal or No Deal"...then "Lost", which was great.
Thursday we walked around the track at South several times before watching en episode of "My Name is Earl" then heading to Picklefish.
It was hopefully my last trip to Picklefish with very little cash.
It worked out well, though. BJD bought me a shot of Jack.
I can only assume it was a double shot, because it took two gulps to get the whole thing down.
I've never stopped midway through a shot of Jack.
That was painful.

Saturday was the Formarty.
I formatted my computer for the first time since last February (2005).
I then managed to fill up my hard drive again with stuff from Beast.

WoW runs a little better on this machine now. Not much better, a little better.
Though, I have not tried it with my typical add-ons added on yet.
My computer still runs very hot when I play. I am surprised it did not shut off today, the top of the computer got very hot.
Though...it does not bother me too much if WoW does not run well, because soon I will begin building myself a new computer. I should get my first full check from TeVo Friday. I figure, after bills...I'll have a couple hundred dollars to get some basic stuff. Then...the next paycheck will probably be blowable. Though...I will probably not spend the whole thing.
I also want to get a new phone.

It also would not hurt to save some money.

I seem to be materialistic.