Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Spiritual Awakening

Ok. I got off work last night around 12:30am. I knew I needed to wake up early to start my new job at Pelican360. I did not get there as early as I had hoped. Here is why:
I knew I would not get to sleep without help, so I broke down and took one of the new sleeping pills my doctor prescribed. I have stopped the Ambien, it was just...horrible. Most of you reading already know why. Well...now I have a reason to hate Trazodone.
It took effect around 2:00 and I finally fell asleep between 2:10 and 2:30, not sure exactly when I fell asleep.
What I AM sure of is when I woke up again. 4:32am.
I was either totally conscious during what happened next, was having a lucid dream, or had an encounter with an evil spirit.....but it went down like this...
I heard a sound. It was very much like the sound one would hear in World of Warcraft if they were standing next to someone that stealthed.
I think to myself....hmm....I must have left WoW running.
Then it dawned on me, I shut down my computer.....and I never leave WoW running....
So I turn to look and I see this horrible ghostly creature hovering above me. I can feel it sucking the life out of me, and I am paralized. Suddenly, I do not see it. I still cannot breathe. I am wide awake, and cannot call for help. Without any kind of transition...I am there, alone, with nothing around me.
Needless to say, I was completely scared out of my wits. This was not a typical nightmare....because I was totally conscious during the thing.
So, pulling off the typical "scared little kid" scenario, I turn on the lights, the TV, the fan, the heater....anything that made ambient noise....because I am a firm believer that sounds scare ghosts away. Do not ask me why...I just do. I feel safer when the TV is on.
Well...I am kind of hoping that this was just a hallucination, but if not...then I am even more scared to sleep.
This would not be so bad if Hollywood was not haunted as well. I hate working up there late at night alone. I always feel like something is following me around or watching me (when I am in projection).

There were two other things I wanted to discuss in this blog, but I forgot what they were. If I remember what they are, I will post again. I figure...I will have many laughs coming my way due to the sheer nonsensicalness of this post.

So long, for now.


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