Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Most Arrogant Boycott Ever

I was thoroughly pissed today to read that Alabama Governor Bob Riley was calling for a nationwide boycott of travel to Aruba.
This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Aruba has done nothing to us, and they make most of their money from tourism...so why should we punish them?
Well, the governor claims that the Aruban police have not been very cooperative with the family of the Alabama whore/slut that turned up missing there a few months ago. Keep in mind that I do not normally cast judgement on a person I do not know...but this girl has been in the news so much. They have referred many times to the multiple guys she was with on the night she disappeared. Needless to say, she probably engaged in many activities that are illegal in Alabama.

"The Aruban police has not been cooperative." ???
"They have not done everything they can do to find Natalie." ???

Are you kidding me?

This stupid girl has had more people looking for her than I have ever seen in any investigation, EVER. Not only did she have the police from Aruba, but she had several private organizations searching as well.
They combed pretty much every square inch of the island.
How much MORE cooperative can you get?
If they have stopped looking, then it seems to me it is in their best interest. If they have used all their resources and exhausted every possibility they can think of, then they might as well move on to other issues.

Why are we so arrogant to believe that one stupid American is so important as to totally destroy the livelihood of an entire country?
The girl got herself into some trouble. She paid the consequences. Assuming she is actually missing. We still do not know. For all we know, she got amnesia, flew back to a different destination in the USA, and started a new life.
I mean...come on...what kind of life must you be living if ALL of your friends do not give any care that you are not with them? She went off without them all, and they thought nothing of it.
My advice in the future would for her parents to bring their children up a little better.
Remind them that having multiple sexual partners in one night in a foreign country MIGHT be a bad idea. MIGHT! Leaving and walking down a dark road with your potential lays MIGHT be a bad idea. MIGHT!

Good Lord.
I am SICK and TIRED of hearing about this stupid missing girl.
Get over it!!

This turn of events has pushed me closer to the idea of purchasing this shirt.

I might just do it.
If I hear anything else about this stupid girl...then I probably will.


Blogger KC said...

I was also irritated at this. How many people go missing in the US never to be seen again. It's silly to boycott a country over something that happens here all the time.

12:01 PM

Blogger Matt said...

I am glad someone agrees with me.

1:35 PM

Blogger Darv said...

Also, Nobody ever mentions the other fact that In aruba people rarely go missing or are murdured on the small island anyway. So you really cannot blame their police force for things that they don't deal with on a day to day basis anyways.

6:35 AM


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