Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Microsoft owes Adam Lyttle money

OK, I am sitting here watching Spies Like Us on A&E. I am about to head to work. I read the news, and what do I find? Microsoft has committed theft. I guess you could say terrorism, because they terrorized some poor guy in Australia.
Basically, Adam created a little software program that helps protect the Windows system against malicious code on the Internet.
He appropriately called it "Windows Defender".
Microsoft wanted to use this name, so they stole it from the poor guy.
They sent their high-priced lawyers to scare and confuse Adam and essentially force him into signing a document waiving any rights he had to the name.
They were angry because he used the word Windows in the title of his program. This makes no sense to me, considering that his program was designed to protect Windows, not Unix, Linux, BeOS, or anything else. It was designed to protect Windows. He called it Windows Defender. Why would this make Microsoft so angry?
I already said...because THEY wanted the name.
They did not tell Adam they were planning to use the name. All they told him was that he was violating their rights to the name.
You will notice I have made two particular parts of this article bold. The reason for this is because this is my main argument.
Microsoft is claiming he had no right to the name. They asked him to waive his rights. What rights?
If he had no rights to the name, then why did Microsoft ask him to waive them?
Because they KNEW he had a claim to it, they KNEW they wanted it, and they KNEW they could trick him into signing it over to them.
They gave Adam no money whatsoever. They stole the name.
They stole it...legally.
Adam no longer has any claim to the name.
Microsoft is evil.

On that note, I think someone should contact the great people over at Atari. (Or Hasbro, whoever owns it now). Let them know that Microsoft is violating their rights by using the word "Defender". They have had a claim on that for how long now? Like...25 years?
If Adam has "no claim" to "Windows", then "Microsoft" has "no claim" to "Defender".

Microsoft, you are on notice!

It is time for me to go to work now. You have been warned, Microsoft! Do not let me catch you again.


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