Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Friday, January 06, 2006


So I am thinking about using AdSense.
I do not know if I should.
There are at least 2 reasons why not.
1) It probably won't generate any revenue.
2) It will be an eyesore.
maybe 3) I do not want to seem like a COMPLETE sell out.
when Google takes over the world, I WILL want to seem like I have been loyal to them.
I already tried to get a job with them.
If I HAD the job with them, I probably would not even need to consider the ads because I would be making plenty of money and would not need to care.
Right now, I make crap.
You hear that, Mr. Scott Wallace? I need a raise. At LEAST 300%, if not more.
Get out of your lounge chair and take care of your employees. Many of us actually deserve better treatment. Especially those of us that help get RID of the ones that DON'T deserve better treatment.

On a different note,
my server is now up and running for matthewdavis.org,
I just need to find some stuff to publish there now.
I shall see what I can figure out.
This will be fun.


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