Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

More Web Space

I used to host a website using a service called Powweb. Then I just let my site be hosted for free by the company that registered the name. This gave me only 5 megs of space.
Today, at random, I decided to purchase some web space on GoDaddy. They were the first people I found that did not charge for an entire year in advance. Plus, they also had a cheap plan (only $4/month). I figured I would try them out for a couple of months. After all, I can always change it.
I got the space. I pointed the DNS in the right direction.
Now, when I try to access matthewdavis.org, it just tells me the website cannot be found.
I am just assuming it will eventually work itself out.
I want to post stuff on my site.
Last night I attempted to post an old video from one of BJD's parties, but Google won't let me post such things on this blog. So....space is needed.
For the $4, I get roughly 5GB. I think that is not so bad.
When I can afford it, I may go back to Powweb. It is "$7.77/month" annually, but it is roughly 12GB of space. The only drawback with Powweb is that I do not know PHP yet.
Godaddy uses Windows servers, so ASP is possible.
I really need to learn PHP.

Regardless...now I can start creating some cool pages and content without being limited to that 5MB.
I hope to create a small jukebox on one page. That should be pretty cool.

Apparently, my corruption is not even corruption.
The PF crew seems to think that it is healthy to be corrupted.
This sounds like more corruption to me! :-)
Maybe I should go to church more.
Oh well.

On another PF note. Jan was very touchy-feely tonight. She brushed my shoulder and tickled my back. That was pretty interesting.
On a sad note, many of the guys sitting across from us brushed up against me as well as they were passing by me.
On a happy note, I got a nice hug from Onya.
Thanks, Kenny.

On a disturbing note...
I left a candle burning in my room while I was at Picklefish.
Thankfully it did not burn down my house.
I must be more careful.

On a happy note...
My father got a promotion and a raise today.
Things are looking up.

On a pathetic note...
I still do not yet have a good job.

Next week at Picklefish, I think I will start my birthday celebration early and have much to drink. I wonder if I should even bother trying to get that night off work. I doubt I will. So, I guess I might as well celebrate Thursday.

I still need to finish up my room.
I am also a little tired.
I am glad my sleeping patterns have gotten back to normal.
Well...close to normal.
I keep managing to wake up at 8am despite the fact that I do not set my alarm. I want to sleep longer. I guess it is good that I can wake up early. I guess the fact that I stay awake for so long helps me get to sleep the next day.
Also...DDR has helped me too.
It gives me mucho exercise, I tire myself out, eat lots of food to compensate. The food makes me sleepy, and I fall asleep.
The time I go to sleep seems to be relative to the time I get home.
If I get home at 7, I fall asleep by 9.
If I get home at 1, I fall asleep by 3.
Things are looking up! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See.. I hear that ALOT about DDR.. but I can't seem to enjoy playing it. (It may be that both times I've tried the game it was in public arcades and I was totally scared of making a fool of myself). I may have to buy the game for my ps2 and see if I like it in the confinements of my own house.

5:11 AM

Blogger Matt said...

I've an old version for the PS1 if you wish to borrow it.
Also, we now have an old version in the arcade at the theatre, which I sometimes play after hours....out of the viewing eye of the public.

9:03 AM


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