Favorite word = "Flibbertigibbet". Meaning = silly / flighty person. Phlibbertigibbet = Me.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

White Trash Black Belt

so recently I have been seeing commercials on Comedy Central featuring a clip from a comedian mentioning that because his parents' divorce settlement involved a bar tab, that grants him an automatic White Trash Black Belt.
the reason for this post is this...
This phrase bounced around in my head a few times.
I thought to myself that it would sound cooler to say that you have a Black Belt in White Trash.

Now...at one point the words got mixed in my head and I thought "Black Trash White Belt".
Then I realized....we do not use the phrase "Black Trash".
Why? Because it is racist!!
Why is it OK to say White Trash, but not okay to say Black Trash?
We sugar coat "Black Trash" by using the somewhat euphemistic phrase "Ghetto".
Which means that the word "Ghetto" can be used both as the term describing the area in which Black (and some White) Trash live, as well as a black person living in the ghetto.

You've heard the term. "He's so ghetto."
Just like you have heard "She's so white trash."

Why do we not just call them all Garbage?
Oh, is that going too far?
We can call them Trash, but not Garbage?

I kindof like the phrase "Ghetto Garbage". It has a nice ring to it. It has the alliteration effect going for it too.

Isn't American English fun?


Blogger Scott Barker said...

Black Astronauts


5:34 AM


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